3-vehicle crash on New Jersey bridge seriously injures bikers

Two motorcycles and a Honda SUV were involved in an accident on Driscoll Bridge, in New Jersey. Both bikers were riding Harley Davidson motorcycles, and both were thrown from the vehicles in the accident.
Reports show that the first motorcycle came up behind the SUV and ran into the back of it. This threw the biker off and overturned the bike. The second motorcycle then collided with that bike in turn, and that second rider was also thrown from his bike.
The first rider, who initially ran into the SUV, suffered from head injuries that have been said to be serious. The second rider was also injured, though the injuries are reportedly to his arm and they do not appear to be as serious.
After the accident, the police shut down the southbound side of the bridge so that a helicopter could be called to the scene. It landed on the bridge, and the first biker was loaded into it. He was then airlifted out to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. The last reports show that he was in critical condition.
The person who was behind the wheel of the Honda did not suffer any injuries in the accident.
As the police sort through the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, it is important for those who have been injured to keep an eye on who was at fault, as they may have a legal right to compensation for their medical bills if they were not the at-fault driver.
Source: NJ.com, “Two motorcycle riders ejected in 3-way crash on Driscoll Bridge” Anthony G. Attrino, Aug. 18, 2014