Bicyclist Severely Injured In Dooring Accident

Motorists need to be aware of bicyclists at all times. Sometimes motorists can cause injuries to a bicycle rider even without directly hitting them. An example of this is suddenly opening their vehicle’s door, causing the bicycle to crash into it.
This was the case for a woman last fall. The woman claims she suffered serious injuries in a “dooring accident” in her Absecon neighborhood. As a result, she suffered serious injuries and is now suing the negligent driver.
The incident happened on the afternoon of September 28 on East Church Street. The woman was riding her bicycle when a driver opened his vehicle’s door without looking over his shoulder or around him for any bicycles. The lawsuit claims that East Church Street “is a city street in constant use by motor vehicles and cyclists.”
The woman claims she slammed into the car door and suffered multiple injuries, including injuries to her skull, clavicle, pelvis and tailbone. She had to stay in the hospital for an extended period of time. It is unknown if the woman was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. It was also not determined if the woman was in a bike lane when the man opened the car door.
The woman filed a lawsuit against the driver on December 22. Her husband also sued the driver for loss of his wife’s companionship. The couple is suing two other people who are allegedly the registered owners of the vehicle. They are asking for monetary damages to be determined following a jury trial.
The man responded to the lawsuit on January 30. The man, who lives on the street where the accident occurred, is representing himself in the case. He alleges that his car door was already partly open when the woman allegedly crashed into it. However, he claims that the bike rider swerved and missed his vehicle completely.
Dooring Accidents
Bicyclists and motorcyclists are susceptible to dooring accidents. A dooring accident occurs when a driver or passenger opens their door into a moving cyclist. In some cases, cyclists can move out of the way to avoid getting hit by the opened door. However, as a result, they may get hit by another vehicle. In both instances, the person opening the door could be considered negligent.
Most states have dooring laws, but New Jersey is just one of nine that do not. Negligence can still apply if a court decides that by opening a car door, the person was not acting reasonably safe under the circumstances. New Jersey civil law requires that everyone gives due caution to those traveling, walking, or riding their bikes in the state.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Motorists need to be careful not only while driving, but also before exiting a vehicle. Getting hit by a door is a real fear for bicycle riders and can lead to severe injuries, as seen in this case.
If you are a bicyclist who was put in a dangerous situation, seek legal help from a Morristown bicycle accident attorney from The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff. We will assess your case and help you protect your financial future. Schedule a free consultation by calling (973) 455-1567 or filling out the online form.