Brain Damage After An Accident

A car crash or other type of accident can cause a variety of injuries. Sometimes they are catastrophic injuries, which is the case with brain damage. Brain damage is a serious injury that is often permanent in nature.
It is caused by the destruction of brain tissue when the brain moves around inside the skull. It whips back and forth or side to side, causing bruising or bleeding. This damage greatly affects the body’s functioning in many ways.
After an accident involving brain damage, the victim may lose consciousness for a period of time ranging from a few minutes to a few months or longer. They may experience changes in breathing and motor functions.
Some victims, unfortunately, never regain consciousness. Those who do often experience neurological effects such as changes in behavior. Aggression and irritability are common. Many experience amnesia and other memory issues. They feel confused as they are unable to remember recent events.
Recovery Period
Recovery depends on the severity of the injuries. Those with mild injuries, such as a concussion, will heal much more quickly than someone with moderate or major injuries. Recovery can take several years or longer. It can be a multi-stage process that varies for each person. No two cases of brain damage are the same.
Progress is tracked using the Rancho Los Amigos Scale, which consists of eight stages. Those with severe injuries may not progress through all the stages. The eight levels are as follows:
- Level I: There is no response. The person is in a deep coma.
- Level II: The person is awake for brief periods of time, but spends most of their time sleeping.
- Level III: The person is alert for longer periods, but overall reacts inconsistently. They will react to most noises.
- Level IV: The person experiences a higher level of awareness. However, the person is confused and agitated. In some cases, they may display aggressive or silly behavior. They have a short attention span and are still unable to perform basic tasks.
- Level V: At this stage, the person can follow simple commands and perform independent tasks such as eating. It can be hard to learn new skills and concentrate for more than a few minutes.
- Level VI: The person recognizes family members. They can carry out more tasks independently, but still require direction.
- Level VII: The person is slow to perform new skills and short-term memory is still poor. However, they are at a point where they can perform daily routines automatically.
- Level VIII: The person is a functioning member of the community.They may experience some impairments from time to time.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
An accident — whether it be a car crash, fall, gun shot, assault or other type of sudden blow — can cause brain damage. This catastrophic injury can be permanent and costly to treat.
If your brain damage or other injury was caused by a third party, make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. The Morristown catastrophic injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff can help you with your case. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling (973) 455-1567.