Burn Injury may be serious whether suffered inside or outside the workplace

Types and Treatment for Burn Injuries in Morris County, NJ
Personal Injury Attorney Serving North Jersey Clients with Offices in Morristown and Newton NJ
Burn injuries have many different causes and can occur at work or just in everyday life. One thing for sure is that they can be painful and very serious and may lead to lifelong scarring, severe pain, and disability. The website WebMD lists three types of burns that everyone should be aware of:
First-degree burns are mild compared to other burns. They may result in pain and reddening of the outer layer of the skin also known as the epidermis.
Second-degree burns affect the epidermis and the dermis which is the lower layer of skin. They will usually cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.
Third-degree burns, also known as full-thickness burns, penetrate the dermis and affect deeper tissues. The result is often white or blackened, charred skin that may lose sensation and become numb.
The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff have four decades of legal experience guiding burn injury vistims through the legal process in Dover, Netcong, East Hanover, Mt. Olive, Newton, Roxbury and across Morris County and Sussex County.
Causes and Symptoms of Burn Injuries Sussex County NJ
Burn Causes
The causes of burn injuries vary greatly. They can range from dry heat (such as fire), wet heat (such as steam or hot liquids), chemicals, radiation, friction, heated objects, the sun, and electricity. However, thermal burns are the most common and result from contact or exposure to a high heat source. These burns are often the result of flames, hot metals, scalding liquids, or steam coming in contact with skin as a result of many different circumstances which may include workplace accidents, house fires, vehicle accidents, kitchen accidents as well as electrical malfunctions.
Burn Symptoms
The symptoms of burns are wide-ranging and depend on the cause and type of burn.
They often include:
- Blistering
- Pain – In most cases however the degree of pain is not always related to the severity of the burn, given that the most serious burns may be painless.
- Peeling skin
- Reddened or white and even charred skin
- Shock
- Swelling
Treatment of Burn Injuries Morristown and Newton Attorneys
Healthline.com has provided a list of recommended actions in case you or someone you know suffers a burn or heat-related injury.
First-degree burns can usually be treated at home. In the event of a first-degree burn injury you should:
- Soak the wound in cool water for five minutes or longer
- Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief
- Apply a lidocaine cream with aloe vera gel to soothe the skin
- Use an antibiotic ointment and loose gauze to cover and protect the affected area
Second-degree burns can range from severe to mild. For any severe burn, you should seek immediate medical attention. However, treatments for a mild second-degree burn generally include:
- Running the skin under cool water for 15 minutes or more
- Taking over-the-counter pain medication, usually acetaminophen or ibuprofen
- Applying antibiotic cream to blisters
- Applying a lidocaine cream with aloe vera gel to soothe the skin
As for third-degree burns, you should never attempt to self-treat a third-degree burn, instead call 911 immediately. Before medical treatment arrives you should raise the injury above your heart. Do not get undressed, but it is recommended to make sure no clothing is stuck to the burn as this can lead to infection.
Burn Injuries Suffered at Work in Morris and Sussex County
Though anyone can suffer from a workplace burn injury, there are some occupations that come with a higher risk for this type of injury. Some occupations that involve burn hazards include but are by no means limited to:
- Electricians
- Janitorial Work
- Construction Workers
- Food Prep Workers (Chefs, Cooks, Servers)
- Healthcare Workers
- Fire Fighters
- Mechanics
Occupational burn injuries accounted for some 6% of all burns studied between 2002 and 2011 according to The American Bar Association. Furthermore, The Bureau of Labor Statistics also notes that heat burns caused workers to miss an average of 5 days of work and chemical burns 3 days of work.
Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Morristown or Newton Offices
If you have suffered a burn injury at work and feel it may be serious, despite what your employer may say, it is recommended that you contact an experienced worker’s compensation and personal injury attorney as soon as possible as well as see a doctor for a professional examination and treatment of your injuries as soon as possible.
At The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff, we have four decades of legal experience helping the victims of work-related injuries in local Morris County and Sussex County towns such as Dover, Netcong, East Hanover, Mt. Olive, Newton, and Roxbury. For a free and confidential consultation regarding your accident, your resulting burn injury and your potential for compensation through a personal injury claim, please give us a call through one of our offices today at 973-455-1567