Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Less Common Types of Medical Malpractice
We go to the doctor to feel better, but medical professionals are not perfect. They make mistakes, just like all humans. But when a mistake causes harm, it may be considered medical malpractice. Doctors and other healthcare professionals are expected to provide a certain standard of care. If they deviate from the quality of… Read More »

Medical Malpractice Due to Brain Aneurysms
We count on doctors to take care of us when we are ill or injured, but sometimes they do more harm than good. An incompetent doctor can cause a person to suffer severe harm due to reckless behavior or neglect. One thing that might get overlooked in a medical exam or procedure is the… Read More »

Medical Malpractice: Which Doctors Are Most Likely to Face It?
When it comes to doctors, none are perfect. They make mistakes just like all the rest of us. And when the mistakes cause damages, doctors can be sued for medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is actually quite common. In fact, more than half of health care providers have been sued. However, the likelihood of being… Read More »

Is Using A Different Doctor Considered Battery?
Surgeries can be nerve-wracking situations. These are major operations and there is a lot involved. A surgery can involve a major body part and require anesthesia, which comes with risks. Sometimes surgeries do not go as planned. You may think the doctor you know and trust will be performing the surgery, only to find… Read More »

Paid Medical Malpractice Claims Hint At Future Claims
Medical malpractice claims are something that every healthcare professional wants to avoid. While many are thrown out or ruled in favor of the doctor, sometimes the client prevails. This can be frustrating for the doctor in many ways. Not only do they have to pay out, but they also face the risk of a… Read More »

Woman Files Lawsuit After Getting Burned During Surgery
When a person is getting tumors removed from their body, they have a lot on their mind. What if these tumors are cancerous? What if I don’t wake up from the surgery? Very rarely are they thinking about the possibility of getting burned while under anesthesia, but this is what happened to a New… Read More »

Medical Malpractice Among Orthopedic Surgeons
We rely on doctors to diagnose our medical conditions and help us heal from our injuries. There’s a lot of pressure on them to make quick diagnoses, but sometimes they make mistakes. Doctors are human, just like the rest of us. They are not perfect. They make mistakes in their job from time to… Read More »

Family Files Medical Malpractice Lawsuit After Inmate Dies
Attacks and stabbings can happen anywhere — even while in jail. But when a person is injured, they should receive the best care possible, regardless of their incarceration status. In December 2021, a man was attacked while incarcerated at the Essex County Correctional Facility. The 27-year-old man from Elizabeth was stabbed repeatedly by a… Read More »

OB-GYNs Leaving NJ Due To High Medical Malpractice Premiums
Doctors have the opportunity to make a lot of money. But at the same time, being a doctor costs a lot of money as well. Education expenses alone can soar into the six figures. Many people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars before they even get their first job. And once they get hired,… Read More »

Steps To Take After Medical Malpractice
People expect that their doctors will take care of them when they are injured or ill. For the most part, doctors and nurses know what they are doing and are able to help patients immensely. However, there are some medical professionals who do not uphold the standard of care. These doctors make mistakes that… Read More »