Dangers Of Driving Too Slowly

We all hear about how speeding is one of the top causes of car accidents. As a result, many drivers may think that driving slowly is better. But going too slow may cause car crashes as well.
You may be surprised by this, but think about. You want to go with the flow of traffic, which means traveling at or above the speed limit. If you’re going too slowly, you’re impeding the flow of traffic and opening yourself up to angry motorists and even road rage.
Many drivers go slow. This is especially true of newer drivers as well as the elderly. Tourists and those unfamiliar with an area may also drive slowly as they look for their destination. Sometimes people drive slower than normal because they are distracted, such as texting on their phones, reading, eating or looking at something outside the vehicle, such as a car accident, billboard or person.
While there are times when you should be going slower — such as when driving in the rain, ice or snow, or driving near children and animals — for the most part, you should be driving near the speed limit. You can get a speeding ticket for going too fast and you can also get ticketed for going too slow. In New York, for example, you could be fined $300.
Why is Driving Slowly So Dangerous?
There are a couple reasons why driving slowly can be dangerous. First of all, drivers are not usually expecting to come up to someone driving much slower than the speed limit, so this can lead to a rear-end accident if the driver cannot react in time. This is especially true when going around a curve or some other part of the road where a driver cannot see very far in front of them.
Also, when one person drives slow, this means that all vehicles behind them will also have to drive slow. This leads to congestion. The slower driver is blocking traffic, which can be very frustrating to other drivers. If there are multiple lanes, then it is possible for other drivers to pass. However, if this occurs on a one-lane road, then the other drivers will get impatient and try to pass. This will lead to road rage and possibly head-on accidents as they try to pass the slow driver.
Driving slowly is especially dangerous on the freeway. If you must drive slowly, stay in the far right lane. If you stay in the middle or left lanes, other drivers will try to go around you, which can lead to unsafe passing.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Car accidents can happen in a variety of ways. Even driving too slow can lead to serious crashes, so it’s important to stay around the speed limit, if possible.
No matter how your car accident happened, it’s best to seek legal help right away, especially if someone else was at fault. The Morristown car accident lawyers at The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff can help determine liability and get you the compensation you need. Get started with free consultation. Call (973) 455-1567 or fill out the online form.