Dog Bite Prevention

Man’s best friend isn’t always our best friend. While many dogs are friendly and loving, all have the propensity to attack a human or animal at any time. Dogs bite more than 4.5 million Americans every year. While many bites are minor and don’t even break the skin, many are severe and even fatal.
A dog bite can result in a variety of injuries, including puncture wounds, eye injuries, broken bones, nerve damage and injuries to the face, head and neck. If the dog has not been properly vaccinated, a dog bite victim may also contract rabies, which can lead to death. Children and the elderly are more likely to be seriously injured in a dog attack.
A person who survives a dog attack may end up with scarring and disfigurement. They may also develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from the attack. They may be scared of dogs and no longer want to be around them.
Any dog can bite. It is not dependent on breed, but rather the dog’s behavior and history. Therefore, if you own dogs, you need to take proper precautions to keep yourself and your family safe. Here are some tips for preventing dog bites.
Socialize Your Dog
It’s a good idea to introduce your dog to various social situations while it’s a puppy. This will make your dog feel comfortable around people and other dogs. Take your dog to the park and to family gatherings. Just make sure to keep him on a leash so you can easily control him.
Be Responsible
Take the time to make your dog a good family pet. Train him how to sit, stay and perform other common commands. Exercise your dog daily. If you’re not going to breed your dog, then get it spayed or neutered. This will help decrease aggression.
Don’t Pet Dogs Without Permission
Teach your children not to pet dogs without asking the owner first. Some dogs love children, while others don’t. Children should be taught that not all dogs are friendly and that they should be cautious. They should also not pet dogs that are barking, growling, eating, sleeping or caring for puppies.
Know What to Do When Attacked
Never try to outrun a dog. If a dog does chase after you, stay still. Avoid eye contact and don’t scream. Once the dog backs away, you may move. Children should learn that if they are knocked down by a dog, they should curl up into a ball and cover their neck and ears to prevent injuries. The child should stay still and quiet. Eventually, the dog should back off.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Dog bites can result in serious injuries. It’s a good idea to know how to protect yourself. If you own dogs, you should understand your duty to keep others safe.
If you have been involved in a dog attack, make sure you get full and fair compensation for your injuries. The Morristown dog bite attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff in New Jersey can help. We will help you get the best outcome possible. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (973) 455-1567 or filling out the online form.