How Much Money Can I Get for a Car Accident?

A car crash can be a scary situation. While many cases are minor, some are more serious, requiring hospitalization and surgery. This can result in significant medical bills. Your car may be totaled. You may have to miss weeks or months of work to recover. You may be in a lot of pain.
If you’re unable to work after a car accident, you may be concerned about your finances. This is understandable, as the bills don’t stop. They must be paid, but how?
If your car accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, then you can recover compensation for your damages. Damages are what you suffered as a result of the crash. They can be economic or emotional in nature. Under New Jersey law, even if you are somewhat at fault, you can recover compensation, as long as you are no more than 50% at fault.
You may be wondering just how much money you can receive for your injuries. There is no easy answer to this question. Each car crash is different, so the amount of compensation you can receive will depend on various factors.
The degree of your injuries is one of them. A person who lost an arm in a crash will receive more money than someone who suffered a few bruises. The amount of compensatory damages is another factor. A person who totaled their car and missed a few weeks of work will receive more compensation than someone who did not miss work at all and still has use of their vehicle.
Keep in mind that there are economic and non-economic damages involved. Economic damages are ones that can be easily calculated, such as medical bills, property damage and lost wages. Non-economic damages have no set monetary value, so they are harder to calculate. They include emotional damages, such as pain and suffering, as well as disfigurement, disability, loss of household services and loss of enjoyment of life. These values often correlate to the degree of the injuries. A person who has suffered serious injuries will likely receive a significant amount of compensation for non-economic damages.
You can also consider punitive damages. If someone’s deliberate or reckless behavior — such as drunk driving or racing — caused your injuries, then they can be forced to pay punitive damages. These damages are in place to prevent future occurrences of this behavior.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Car accidents can lead to a variety of damages. Some people are severely injured and obtain millions of dollars in a settlement, but this is not common.
Compensation from a car accident can vary dramatically. If you are concerned about the value of your damages, contact the Morristown car accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff. He can help you claim compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Fill out the online form or call (973) 455-1567 to schedule a consultation.