Less Common Types of Medical Malpractice

We go to the doctor to feel better, but medical professionals are not perfect. They make mistakes, just like all humans. But when a mistake causes harm, it may be considered medical malpractice.
Doctors and other healthcare professionals are expected to provide a certain standard of care. If they deviate from the quality of care that is normally expected, and the patient experiences harm or injury, they can be held legally responsible. The patient can file a medical malpractice claim and recover compensation for damages.
Diagnosis errors, such as misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis, are the most common medical mistakes. However, there are some that are not as common that you should know about as well.
X-Ray Overdose
You may not think much about having X-rays done, but you do need to be careful. X-rays emit radiation, and too much can be harmful to the body. A patient may receive too much radiation if the X-ray technician does not hold the machine correctly. If the patient is not wearing proper protective gear during the X-ray, they may develop radiation sickness. Too much radiation can result in organ and tissue damage, brain damage, and cancer. These cases are difficult, as the effects of an X-ray overdose may not be discernible for years.
Premature Patient Discharge
A healthcare provider must determine if a patient is healthy enough to be discharged from the hospital. Discharged patients are often sent home with instructions for recovery and a follow-up visit. Discharging a patient without taking the proper precautions is an act of negligence that can be considered an act of malpractice, especially if the patient is not ready to go home and their conditions worsens once they are released.
Breaching Doctor-Patient Confidence
Doctors have doctor-patient confidence, which means that the communication between a doctor and a patient who have an established relationship must be kept in confidence. Nothing that is said can be used in court. Doctor-patient confidence is a part of the doctor’s standard of care, so breaching this is considered medical malpractice.
Practicing Medicine Without a Valid License
A physician must be licensed in order to practice medicine. They must also renew their license as required by their state’s licensing board. In New Jersey, this is the New Jersey Division Of Consumer Affairs – State Board of Medical Examiners.
A doctor cannot legally practice without a valid medical license. They can give medical advice, but they cannot prescribe medication, diagnose a patient, or perform surgery. Even if they have an expired license, doing so is a form of malpractice.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Medical malpractice can happen in a variety of ways. It’s important to be aware of the various types that can occur so you can keep yourself and your family safe.
A Morristown medical malpractice attorney from The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff understands that we all make mistakes. However, negligence in the medical field can be catastrophic or even deadly. Fill out the online form or call (973) 455-1567 to schedule a free consultation.