Man Charged With Aggravated Assault After Causing Brain Injury

Bars can be fun places to attend to hang out, meet people, and drink alcohol with friends. However, sometimes those infamous bar brawls occur, and while many are minor, some are serious enough to result in serious injury.
A Jersey City man was recently charged with aggravated assault after assaulting a man outside a bar in Bayonne. This was the second time in 18 months that the 30-year-old man had been arrested for assault. In the first incident, the man had left a man unconscious with a broken jaw.
This time, on October 28, the man was involved with a verbal altercation with a man inside a bar located at East 32nd and Avenue E. The verbal assault turned into a shoving match inside the bar. The two men then met outside the bar after it closed.
The man punched the victim, causing him to fall. His head hit the ground and he suffered a ganglia hemorrhage on the left side of his brain. The victim was taken to the hospital for treatment. He has since been released, but suffers lasting effects from his brain injury.
The man was arrested for an outstanding warrant for an aggravated assault that occurred March 17, 2023. That assault was also at a bar in Bayonne, located at 19th Street and Kennedy Boulevard. During that incident, the man assaulted a victim who was attempting to purchase cigarettes. The man verbally assaulted the victim, who only spoke Spanish. The situation escalated, with the man punching the victim in the face. He suffered a broken jaw and became unconscious. The man was charged for both assaults and taken to Hudson County jail.
What is Aggravated Assault?
Aggravated assault is a serious form of assault that involves intentional harm to another person, often with the use of a weapon or with the intent to cause severe bodily injury. It is typically considered a felony due to the dangerous nature of the act.
Key elements of aggravated assault include:
- Use of a weapon. Involves a weapon like a gun, knife, or any object that can cause serious harm.
- Serious bodily harm. The intent to cause significant physical injury, such as broken bones or severe wounds. In both cases, the man was charged with aggravated assault because he caused broken bones, brain injury, and unconsciousness.
- Intent or recklessness. The perpetrator either intends to cause severe injury or acts with extreme disregard for the safety of others.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
A bar fight may seem likely a minor assault, but in some cases, it can result in a brain injury, as seen in this case.
If you suffered a serious injury due to a negligent or intentional act, a Morristown catastrophic injury attorney from The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff can help you obtain compensation for all your damages. We understand that brain injuries and other catastrophic injuries can cause a variety of long-term damages. Let us help you recover. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling (973) 455-1567.