Man Injured After SUV Rolls Over Him

There are many types of car crashes. There are rear-end accidents, head-on crashes, T-bone crashes, and side-impact accidents. Then there are also freak accidents.
This recently happened in Englewood. The brakes failed on a Ford Explorer, running over a man and causing him to suffer serious injuries. The accident happened on the afternoon of April 6.
The 61-year-old man, a well-known local handyman, suffered injuries to his legs, back, and pelvis when his SUV rolled over him. He was removing heavy equipment from the rear of the vehicle when the brakes failed. The SUV rolled down a hill on Chester Place. It then collided into a nearby auto dealership, ESU Importers, located on Grand Avenue.
An employee at ESU Importers was frozen with fear as the Ford collided with a dealership building. He witnessed a whole wall break down and thought it was an earthquake at first. Then a man came running down saying that the vehicle’s brakes had failed. Other witnesses said they couldn’t hear the crash, but could see it.
The man was seriously injured and taken to a local hospital. The popular handyman has many supporters praying for his recovery. No one else was injured in the accident.
Parking Brake Failure
Even if you have your parking brake engaged, it can still fail. This is especially true on steep inclines, causing the vehicle to roll backward. This can lead to serious injuries.
There are other reasons why parking brakes can fail. They include the following:
- Poor positioning of brake shoes. Brake shoes that are improperly positioned may not provide proper contact. The adjustment of brake shoes generally requires removal of wheels and drums (if your vehicle has drum brakes) or rotors and calipers (if you have disc brakes).
- Broken, frayed, or detached cable. A detached, broken, or frayed parking brake cable could cause your parking brakes to malfunction. The cable must be attached to both rear brakes for it to work properly.
- Loose cable. A loose nut in the brake can lead to slack in the cable, which means the parking brake may not engage.
- Rust or corrosion. The lever that sits in front of the parking brake assembly may have rusted over time, causing the brake to malfunction.
- Frozen brake. It’s possible for cold and wet weather to cause the parking brake to freeze.
You can prevent these situations by using the parking brake appropriately. Let the car warm up before use. Also, use the brake often to keep corrosion from building up.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Freak accidents can happen in many ways. Failed breaks and loading and unloading issues can cause a person to suffer injuries and even fatalities.
A Morristown car accidents attorney from The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff can help you file a successful car crash claim. Get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free consultation today, fill out the online form or call (973) 455-1567.