Most Dangerous Jobs in the United States

We go to work so we can pay bills and live the kind of life we desire. While some enjoy their work, for many, it’s just a paycheck. At the very least, they expect that their workplaces will be safe.
Sadly, this is not always the case. Workplace accidents are common, especially in industries such as construction. Many of these accidents cause catastrophic injuries and even death. In 2018, there were 5,250 workplace deaths in the United States alone. The current rate is roughly 3.5 deaths per 100,000 workers.
Companies need to do a better job of protecting workers. Many do not follow the law and proper safety measures, leading to deadly accidents. What are the most dangerous jobs out there? Read on to learn more.
The logging industry is the most dangerous in America. Loggers work with trees, which are heavy objects that can crush workers. They also work with heavy equipment, which can be dangerous if not used properly. The fatality rate is 28 times greater than the national average. Out of 53,600 workers, there were 1,040 injuries and 74 fatalities in 2018.
Fishing may seem boring to the average person, but when you’re on a large ship in the middle of the ocean surrounded by rough waters, one wrong move can lead to a fatal accident. Fishermen spend long days at sea doing physical work. Many incidents involve boat crashes or falling out of boats. Out of 520 workers, 30 were killed in 2018.
Aircraft Pilots
Flying a plane takes immense skill and one wrong move can lead to a fatal crash. That is typically how pilots are injured or killed while on the job. Out of 84,070 workers, 490 were injured and 70 were killed in 2018.
Roofers work primarily on roofs, and a fall from a tall building can be fatal. Many work in inclement weather that can cause them to fall, slip or trip, landing many feet onto the ground. Out of 160,600 workers, there were 96 deaths and 2,060 injuries in 2018.
Garbage Collectors
Garbage collectors face dangers on their routes as they drive large trucks from place to place in a variety of neighborhoods. They also work year-round in inclement weather. Out of 115,130 workers, 37 were killed and 1,490 were injured in 2018.
Truck Drivers
Truck drivers spend hours on the road each day, making them prone to accidents. Out of 414,860 workers, 966 were killed and 78,530 were killed in 2018.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Having a bad day at work usually means arguing with a customer, missing a deadline or getting yelled at by your boss. For many, though, a workplace accident can lead to a very bad day that lasts weeks or months.
If you were injured in a workplace accident, seek legal help from the Morristown work-related accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff. We will help you obtain compensation from your employer or workers’ compensation, whichever applies. To schedule a free consultation, call (973) 455-1567 or fill out the online form.