NJ Construction Worker Killed in Jobsite Accident

Unfortunately, accidents in the workplace can lead to serious injuries and even death. One of the most serious types of accidents are construction accidents. There are many elements involved in construction sites and they can be deadly.
This was the case in New Jersey, when a worker died after getting hit by a beam. The fatal incident occurred on the evening of November 5 on a construction site in East Hanover.
The worker got trapped under a large steel beam. He later died. The victim was a 45-year-old man. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was notified of the workplace fatality. It is unknown how the accident occurred, but it is under investigation. No other details were released about the accident.
Caught in/Between Objects on a Construction Site
Getting caught in/between objects is one of the four most common types of fatal accidents on a construction site. These accidents are ones where workers are crushed, caught or compressed between two objects. Construction workers deal with heavy equipment and objects on a daily basis. They handle lumber, beams and other materials. These objects are often very heavy and awkward, which can lead to injury accidents. They can also get caught between large trucks, tractors and other machines.
These accidents also include those where workers get buried by collapsing buildings. Sometimes construction workers can also get trapped in trenches. They need to be careful when digging trenches because when they get too deep, it can be hard to climb out of them. Complicating this even further is the fact that trenches can easily fill up with dirt and water, making it very difficult for workers to get out safely. As a result, many construction workers get trapped and suffocate, eventually dying. This is why trenches and excavation sites need to be properly supported. There needs to be protections in place to keep the ground from crumbling and killing workers.
Many workers involved in caught in/between accidents die from their injuries. Those who survive often face long-term injuries and disabilities, such as traumatic brain injuries, amputation, paralysis, organ damage, spinal cord injuries and broken bones. Some also suffer from muscle and tendon tears and sprains, which can be very painful, especially in the back and neck.
These injuries can last a long time and be very costly to treat. Therefore, it is imperative that you obtain the compensation you deserve so you can pay for appropriate treatment and heal quickly.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
In most workplace accidents, workers’ compensation benefits are the only form of compensation available. In situations where a worker dies, though, there are other legal remedies available. You may even be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.
A workplace accident can be very stressful for a family. The Morristown construction accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff can assess your case and help you understand the damages you are entitled to receive. Schedule a free initial consultation by calling (973) 455-1567 or filling out the online form.