Seeking compensation after a New Jersey car accident

A car accident can happen in an instant, but it can change your life forever. This is why it is important to drive defensively and attentively whenever you take to the road. Nevertheless, New Jersey roads are full of negligent and unlawful drivers. Sometimes, no matter how safe and skilled a driver you are, there is no way to avoid being injured in a crash.
Car accident injures can be excruciatingly debilitating and can leave victims temporarily or permanently disabled. Even seemingly minor injuries, however, can plague a victim and cause difficulty for many years to come. In addition to physical difficulties, though, car accident victims may also face financial difficulties. The costs of medical care that victims need to recover from their injuries are often unaffordable — especially if victims did not have health insurance. These medical bills can add up, and prevent car accident victims from getting the care they require.
This is where a successfully navigated personal injury claim can be of assistance. Victims who suffer injuries in car crashes caused by another driver’s lawless behavior or negligence may be able to seek financial compensation for their injuries, the cost of medical care, pain and suffering and other kinds of damages.
At the Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff, PA, we provide high caliber legal representation to people hurt in auto collisions due to no fault of their own. With over 40 years of experience practicing law, we have the skills it takes to expertly pursue justice and financial restitution on your behalf. We will take every step required to ensure your rights are protected.