What is the safest way to apply the brakes on my car?

Your brakes are your best defense against getting into a car accident. If something unexpected happens on the roadway, you need to be able to stop as quickly as possible in order to avoid a collision. However, the safest way to brake is not just to slam your foot down on the pedal. This article will discuss several techniques that will help you stay safe when it is time to stop.
The first type of braking technique you will want to learn is soft pedal braking. You will want to use this technique to slow down whenever possible. By only touching the brake pedal softly, you will allow drivers behind you enough time to slow down without hitting you from behind. You will also keep from wearing out your brakes faster. It also keeps your vehicle from losing its equilibrium, which could result in you front wheels skidding into oncoming lanes of traffic.
Always try to use soft pedal braking. Also, keep in mind that in fast conditions on the roadway, the activation of your brake lights could startle drivers behind you. Therefore, if it is possible to navigate traffic by only letting off the gas, this is a great strategy for slowing down, and it is less disruptive to the flow of traffic around you.
Before you need to slow down, try to let off your gas pedal for a little while before you actually apply the brakes. This will allow you to brake smoother and more safely. As soon as you see a red light ahead, this is the time to let off the gas, coast for a while and then gradually ease into soft braking.
Try to brake as early as possible, as this will ensure that you have enough space to stop and enough space to stop gradually and slowly. Also, try pumping your brakes when it is necessary to stop rapidly as this will cause your brake lights to flash and alert drivers behind you.
These are some basic braking tips that can help you avoid getting hurt by a negligent or unlawful New Jersey driver. Especially if you are new at driving, you may want to practice these and other safe braking strategies in a controlled environment with a qualified instructor.
Source: drivingtips.org, “Your braking techniques are important for safe driving,” accessed Oct. 30, 2015