Woman sues lock-maker, retailer after brutal attack

Can a victim of a violent crime sue a lock-maker if an intruder was able to get past a locked door and attack that person? That’s what one woman is going to find out.
The woman was attacked two years ago when she was 26. A man forced his way into her home, where she was alone. He stabbed her 17 times and sexually assaulted her. The man pleaded guilty to a number of charges in connection with the attack, including attempted murder.
The young woman was eventually able to escape and seek help from a neighbor. However, she had to undergo two reconstructive surgeries on her wounds. According to her attorney, she’s still dealing with the effects of the attack.
She’s also suing Kwikset, the manufacturer of the lock and Home Depot, where her father purchased it. The suit claims that the lock was “designed and manufactured with inferior strength components and materials causing it to fail.” Similar locks, according to the suit, have been returned and customers provided refunds after they too failed.
According to the woman’s attorney, the attacker was able to kick the door in, shattering the lock, after she refused him entry. He has also been named in the woman’s lawsuit.
The woman says that as horrible as the attack and its aftermath have been for her, “I want to use it to encourage others.”
We all depend on locks and a multitude of other safety products to protect our families, ourselves and our property. When those products fail to work as they should, it’s wise to find out what legal steps we can take to seek compensation and other damages.
Source: Chicago Tribune, “Woman attacked in her Willowbrook home sues door lock maker, Home Depot,” Clifford Ward, Aug. 18, 2017